The Federal Government (yes, that Federal Government) wants to hear from you about how copyright law effects you. No, really, they do. Let y0ur voice be heard, creative friends and those who care about the rights of all artists and creators!
Please visit this post on Sue Zipkin's blog for the full story.
In the Art Licensing community, we have all been faced with infringement situations on some scale; when those new to the industry ask me about this issue I tell them "it's just a matter of time before it happens to you" and I don't mean that in a "we're all doomed" sort of way, it's just how things are out there. It's so important that the law continues to protect artists as it always has in these cases, and grows and changes with the digital age as new media becomes available to the public, including those who would take advantage of others.
This is our chance, they're making it simple - you can do it in an email - please take a moment to speak out about how important Intellectual Property Enforcement is to you, and to all of us.
Thanks to Sue and to the Copyright Alliance for getting the word out about this!
And thanks to the Copyright Alliance for all the great work they're doing. You can find out more on their website.