Everything changes. And contrary to what I used to believe, that can be a really good thing.
13 years ago I started this blog to share stuff about my art licensing business. Everyone else was doing it, and it sounded like fun. And it was.
But I haven't been posting regularly for a suuuuper long time. Other social media platforms have become a simpler way for folks to get information about new art and products. Blogging about those things in long involved posts now feels sort of, I don't know, clunky.
My life has changed dramatically this past 5 years. It started with the lowest of lows, so much fear and insecurity, so much introspection, learning, discovering and rediscovering. It was all so complicated. The changes, yes - but really, the life I lived before; I had just always made everything that way.
Sound familiar?
We all do it to some extent, right? The foundation of my business, relationships, everything: I overcomplicated, I overthought, I wasted so much time and energy spinning my wheels. Trying to keep it all going in the way I believed it was supposed to be. But I wasn't. Something had to give. And apparently, that meant everything: my career, my marriage, my beliefs about myself...I was forced to hit the Reset Button and start over. Raw, scared, open to whatever.
When I wrote Part 1 of this story, I was a couple years into these changes and I had just landed here out in the country.
A couple more years have already passed getting to Part 2 (!) and I'm still learning how to be here, how to uncomplicate my life and myself. I've admittedly got a long way to go. Learning to live in the country: more sustainably, frugally, simply - I'm still figuring it all out. And I've decided to blog about it.
Uncomplicate is going to be a more personal and practical chronicle of this new adventure I'm on, and the new life I'm building out here in the country. I'm hoping I can provide inspiration for those of you who might be going through changes and challenges yourself, and share helpful information as I learn stuff the hard way - usually doing everything wrong the first time (!) then figuring it out from my own mistakes: stuff like self-sufficiency, homesteading, permaculture, living more simply and sustainably, finding balance, all from my weird artist's perspective. I'm not sure exactly where this new road will end up but I'm super excited about the journey.
Stuff About Artstuff will stay here as an archive, but I probably won't be posting anything new here (this, of course: subject to me changing my mind...again!). I'll continue to update you about art and products on other social media, as I've been (sort of) doing this past few years.
I really do appreciate every single one of you who has ever visited me here. And I really really hope that you come join me on this new adventure.
Thanks so much for stopping by. Cheers!